Wednesday 16 May 2012


to be honest, this night i feel so good. Now you have another person to take care of.  When you start forgetting me, i will also start to forget the feeling i have to you. I hope that one day the feeling will just disappear. Feeling this light is really amazing. Now i can focus more on my study. No need to think of you, your health and your situation is a pleasure for me. WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW, this excitement can't go away from myself. Before this my body feel really heavy, after you leave me , the body just become very light and i feel like floating.
Walawey, i'm a loner again. Living single is the best, i can do anything without thinking about you. I can do this, i can do that, and i even can .......................( x tau nak wak ayat mende).
I hope that this heart can be filled with the suitable person. You're too perfect to fit in my heart. Your future 'teman hidup' will be better than me. I'm a bad guy that doesn't suit you in any angle of your LIFE.
i want a life without you.
it's good.
and never be boring.
Yay, boleh hidup dgn kwn2 blik.
X yan nk pikir KAMU lg
Hope 4 the best 4 u

Wednesday 9 May 2012

the true damn of TKF

TKF is subject i think i will like the most, but everyday the expectations start to decrease. TKF has become the most boring and frustrating subject.4 ur information TKF is an IT subject, we can play with the computer when we attend the class. With computer u can do anything. This is not the scary part of the subject. The scary will just come to u. Ok, i will tell you the story, every lecturer has their own personality, so do my lecturer. My lecturer is the type of psycho person. She can change her face in the blink of an eye, from a happy face turn to a psycho face. The mood just change in an instant, like an instant noodle. The mood will quickly change if she want to get angry, to change back the mood to normal take a lot of time. Can u imagine, every lecture or tutorial class is her speech class. She say this, and that that make us the students want to crush her just like that, but what can we do, she is our lecturer, our grade is in her hands. We just make a plain face when she start giving her speech. Different day with the same speech but different elaboration. I admit that she is beautiful, but the beauty just gone to w***e, if she keep doing the same thing.
One day she want to get close with us, okay we try, she asked us for our advice since this is the first time she became a lecturer. So we give our opinion. After the class, only one day, she take our advice, and then she back to her normal self. The normal self of her is that , she teach us like a pro, she gave her lecture like the lightning , very fast, when we commented(tegur) her, the 1st point said 'saya takut awak semua ngantuk klu saya slow' , and the 2nd point is 'saya ingatkan saya dah slow'. WTH......... Kami da tegur l... boleh x klu slow sikit. Nie da macam apa da, dah la stu slide 5sec je... Mna la sempat kami bdk yg bru  blajar nie nk bca selaju tu... Tau la miss da baca semalam , tapi jgn la buat kami macam miss, kami langsung x bca lg. For lecture you be angry with us coz u has given us the 'silibes', but for the tutorial class, what are we gonna read if u just keep teaching the new thing without giving us the 'silibes' the day before. You always threaten us with the credits hours. Yes, we know. TKF is 3 credit hour and it can give a bad impact for our CGPA, but what can we do, you teaching style just irritate us the most.... Can you throw your ego just for this sem?
I know you are teaching in a fast way bcoz u wan to get married, but don't mix them with us. You want to get married just go la, what do we care.... We just want you to live happily but thats all. We want u to be happy but we are in a sorrow coz we don't score well in your test. Can you do something with yourself? We have 'kutuk' you from your back bcoz of ur attitude. I really want you to change your attitude so that we, students and you, as a lecturer can live harmonically in the class. If u just think on your own selfishness , we can't do anything, just wait for you to be dismissed from this university. I don't want this to happen coz i know people can change their attitude but it will take time.... Hope u can change for the sake of ur students.
Mood ak bercampur marah dan bersalah bila ak buat post mcm nie.....

The unwanted feeling

salam semua,
just to share this feeling, lately i feel very uncomfortable , me myself don't know the reason. It feel like this heart can't withstand the burden anymore. If i have the chance to say it maybe this heart will feel at ease and i can concentrate back to my study. Can u tell how to get rid of these, i have try many time to avoid it, but it just come like a lightning. once the first thunder strike , it only disappear for several second and then come another one. That is how i feel right now, i just want to forget the thing for a long time. I only succeed to forget it just in a short while and then the feeling just come again and add on my burden. Presence of yourself make me lost in this real world. Although you're not so beautiful, but you just make my heart beat so fast when i see you. Beauty doesn't mean anything right, that's why i feel like i have fall to you. to describe yourself is impossible for me because you doesn't have the perfect figure as the others. Like other people you can just describe them just by looking, for example, you have a nice face, just to say the girl is beautiful. For you, i just don't get the right word to describe you. You're too unique that my mind can't think of suitable words,my mouth can't say anything and my tongue can't describe anything about yourself. For me, you just have the perfect combination to be a perfect person for me.
Unluckily, i just can see you form faraway rather than go to you and tell you that i like you. I think it will be better if i keep my feeling for myself. It will really hurt me but the feeling can remain inside my heart. The longer i keep the, the more i feel i'm in love with you. Writing all about this make me feel more frustrated because i can't tell this feeling to you. 
Sometime i think that you stare at me, i don't have the courage to look at you back. Even if i look at you, i force myself to make an angry face so that my true feeling about you can be keep as secret and you will not realize that i like you. Looking at your face make my heart melt on its own. It happen just like you put an ice near a fire. That is how i feel my heart melt. Showing an angry face and pretending to be a bad guy is part of my plan to hide my feeling towards you. How can i do something like that when i really like you. That's cruel. Make other people hurt is not a good thing. If you have been hurt by my attitude, i'm sorry. It just happen like that because i really love you. I don't know if you feel the same as i feel.
I can only wait when is the suitable time for me to express this feeling to you. I just can't hold it for any longer but when i think again about my study, it just block my willpower to tell you. I'm actually looking for the real reason why i like you.  Is this feeling is a test from Allah S.W.T? Are you destined for me? I'm just a weak guy that doesn't know anything about love. That's why i'm keep pushing myself from telling the truth to you. I'm afraid that you are too perfect that i can't bear to hold. InsyaAllah one day, if you is my true love, we will be together. Form this point, i can only recite prayer for you that you will succeed in your life. Make sure you find the right husband for your life. If it is me, we will meet again someday.InsyaAllah.

ssh juga nak buat ayat camnie, lagi2 nk kaitkan dgn agama sikit.. Kna cari ayat yg sebetulnya klu x lain maksudnya. Ini kali pertama wak camnie,,, maklumla bru lps tgk crita Syurga Cinta buat kali ke-5 klu x silap. Tiba2 datang pulak idea yg mcm nie. Terus berasa bersemangat untuk tulis macam nie.
Klau ad ayat yg silap tlg bgtau nnti akn dbtulkn ya......